This is an overly drawn-out bulletin
that I just can't afford to post in parts.
Bear with me here, if you could. :]
If you are wondering if I'm making any more
videos or movies, what have you. Put your
desires to rest. I'm not in the creative vibe,
for now. Honestly, I made like; a hundred
videos, a lot of movies; some were merely
comprehensible. The rest, 'turn your brain
off' kind of projects. :\
I made a lot. I'm proud of them sometimes.
I created enough. :]
Things I promised in some truly ambitious
(in my point-of-view, anyway)films like Tech
Com Forces, I may not have the chance to
construct a sequel if you want it at all.
While I'm actually really spent or unfocused,
loss for ideas, or too busy to be making any
more of these things for YouTube; we're
reaching an end of a decade. And I honestly
feel that I'm out of energy after all these
years. I guess I'm saying I want to focus
on the rest of my life, or specific things
such as getting a job, maybe move out
of my home(in which I lived with my family
at our current house since 2009), get a
place in a new country. Try to do something
healthy with my life, make a happy future.
But I'm not just saying all this. I think if
I like to make any more cool creative stuff,
long-dabbling' videos or big movies online,
I'd wait till it's 2030. I'm that insane OCD'
thing kind-of guy that likes odd-numbered
decades more so than even ones.
I'm that crazy. XD
Who knows? I might make a movie now
and then, sometime down the line in a
couple of years. Or make a simple music
video for an upcoming film I like. But all
that, it's unlikely. Because of time
constraints, derailing distractions
or sometimes; I feel like, in my mind,
all the really good stuff only happens in
the odd-numbered decades. :]
Get my gist? Nahh, me neither. But
that's how I honestly feel in the long
run of it. I'm just wanting to take my
time and, prepare myself for any ideas
I suppose; when it's just a good decade
again. Until it's time, termunit800
remains offline of projects. I'll stay online
for anyone who likes to ask questions
on comments sections' of my uploaded
stuff, or watch and like somebody else's
videos. But for now, I'm out of ideas.
Retiring my YouTube video life again
and again...... and again? I know I
wrote this to you so many times
before(in the past bulletins YouTube
and Google+ allowed to publish back
in the day); but there is really no way
out of it. I'm out of ideas for now. : \
This may not, absolutely be retirement
than perhaps, an extremely long,
temporary leave. Because I'd always
come back? But really, no current
projects rummaging in my head. :\
As for unused scenes videos' of video-
game films such as Metal Gear Solid,
Bully: SE, Dawn of Fate' and Tech
Com'. I prepared each of these, but for
release, for their 10 year anniversaries
of their YouTube release on my channel.
I decided to do that because well, I'm
striving. Striving for a way to power on
through the next decade super-fast so
it'll be 2030 by now . . . :]
Hey, they're just unused stuff. Who gave
a damn? Not everyone watches those but
neither my actual movies. I couldn't care
less. I just like making videos. So 2028,
2029. That's when you'll ever get to see
the deleted scenes of those 4 final game
movies I did. I apologize though, that if
you've seen my Tech Com Forces
trivia cut; In the final part, I said that a
bright future is ahead, for more movies
in the works would be, very possible.
I thought so as well. It's just really
unlikely. Honestly; it's just a really
a bittersweet time now, for me to
do anything creative right now. :(
It's something that'll have to take a
lot of time and consideration before
I give film-making a go again. Never,
ever, stop being positive for the future,
folks. termunit800 may be finished but
the fond memories prevail! Goodbye,
people of YouTube. Don't stop hoping,
Ladies and Gentlemen . . .