Well, I definitely remember this remixed tune from a long time ago.
Twenty years since then, looking forward to the third Terminator
movie before i finally; ---hmmm, got to watch it and---- you can
imagine my feelings toward T3. I'd listen to this cover on repeat
in anticipation; using Quicktime. Oh, good times.
Being a big Terminator fan, how do I stack the films besides the
excellent TV series? No other follow-ups can match up or top
Terminator 1, T2 and... Salvation! WHAT??!!!?! I know, shocker
there(no Genisys pun intended). Sue me. At least the rather
visually arresting T4 was trying to do something new, exciting,
evolutionary and mostly wasn't the same chase-movie storyline;
Unlike yeah; the rest of the sequels but enough me ranting.
This is, a somewhat-restored version of the 'fan-theme' of the
classic Terminator tune by Joseph Grant. I released the first
one in 2013 and, it was a faulty right-headphone speaker job;
instead of both speakers. Quite a mess. Had a couple of song
videos recorded like that back then. Fun history, this theme
was home to a Terminator fan site back in the late 90's. Go figure.
This is that site if you care to check it out: https://tinfinity.tripod.com/index4.html/;
The song's not available anymore, it's not even present at the
other fan site: https://theterminatorfan.tripod.com/;
at where I was able to obtain the song in 2010 before the site
was mostly scrubbed some few years later.
This old-school 'midi' created tune have survived some online
battles it seems. It was able to make it through, in a number of
videos of mine over the years, that are still online on YouTube
to this day: the MACHINERIES opening title intro videos'.
I never knew how to get the theme I recorded to reach both
speakers if I wanted to re-release it, until I found out about
the Audacity app late in the game. To conclude this powerful
history lesson, the fan theme! Enjoy its full glistening;
electronic drumbeat glory, Ladies and Gentlemen.
No fate but what we make . . . 😎