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I might be back for film-making...

Writer: termunit800termunit800


The world right now is still, adjusting

to the you-know-what'. And I'm pretty

much locked down. Since i can't really

take any job offers at the moment

because well, the 'you-know-what';

I guess i can return to work on video-

game movies again! :] I might as

well anyway, maybe i can write a

treatment of a sequel to Tech-Com

after all. Who knows? Who knows...

Yeah, yes, i know. I keep uttering

to y'all that I would stop working

on YouTube movies again, again

and again,... and-- again, but this

time I'll just let the course of life

dictate my career. It's the 'you-know-

what', it's just; making me consider

returning to work, to pass the time

of lockdown. : \

Well; probably in a week, i might just

work on a new game-movie soon.

One particular game, that I just happen to

own for my old 2000-era' PlayStation 2.

I should anyway since i did make that one

game-movie for release in 2018 for the game's

20th anniversary. Then hmm, there is also a

special video-game character costume

mod' on the download site: 8 eyed baby',

for The Movies game, that could open for

a continuation of said game, as a new film.

Just riffin' the possibility around.

Excited yet, Snake fans? :)

Just keep on hoping, people of YouTube...


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