There's also three kinds of
'Tech Com Forces' playlist
soundtracks including a similar
soundtrack like 'TTDOF's', soon
on the rise, Ladies and Gentlemen!
U may be wondering or perhaps
not. I'm ok with your honesty
and reservation because well,
I'm just doing whatever the hell
I like on YouTube anyway, right?
XD Find out on this year's
independence day, just how cool,
robust and maybe heart-sweeping
one song playlist soundtrack to this
most buzzed-about film in my entire
YouTube career is really like.
The 'selected film score tracks
playlist' soundtrack of 'TCF'
(like TTDOF)will actually launch
on July 31st. The borrowed music
could possibly lead to spoilers
about the movie!
0 0
Before the film can complete its
run almost, over all of July! :|
That's why that soundtrack must
come at the end. Anyways, let
all this juicy info sink in! ;)