The last of the reused 'Tech Com Forces trading cards collection' had been released
and are deemed gone from this point on. I think it's time to give the 'trading card game
site' an indefinite break for awhile. I'm attempting to start another steady job to advance
my life so I start in making a living. The 'TCF' trading card website will now be closed
until further notice; as I try to secure a job op' to help get my life back in shape.
Then; the website could be back in business(free of course) when I'm in ample mind
on things thanks for; possibly being successful on the job instead of clashing with
potential failure again. This will go for new movies or videos on termunit800's
YouTube channel as well.
I was thinking, the coveted unused scenes of both Cyberpunk 2083 and Tech Com Warriors' might just be released a lot later than sooner. Like 8 years later' later. :]
Sorry, I don't really dig this decade that much. Man, i can't wait for the 2030's.
In a way; this is that 'end of 2019' post again in which I was promising anticipation
of greater treasures, than downright giving it away immediately so you won't be
spoiled over a lousy decade; i suppose.
(MGS, BULLY:SE, TTDOF and TCF'; respectively) I'm making it real this time.
So we can march down to a better time in the near future soon;
in eight years time. With flair. 😊
I apologize, fans. As usual; people, be wary of these updates as life
could still throw curveballs again; at both the world and me.
Thanks for listening, everyone.
