I decided that I would release these
exact 27 card packs of Tech Com
Forces trading cards, over and
over again every year from now
on. Also as an effort to speed through
the 2020's! Well, what else is there
to do online? :\
I'd be releasing these same cards
and take them off the site, on the
same day every friday, starting
July to December. And you won't
have to be notified every time on
Facebook or Wix as you have
for this year. The official site:
'Tech Com Forces - the online
trading card provider site', will notify
you from now on. U just have to
remember to browse the site, to
know that cards are coming again.
So this future-war trading card game
excitement doesn't have to be over
after all, Terminator fans! : D
Remember, you'll only be notified
of cards again at the official site:
not in Facebook and Wix this time.
This isn't much but it's something
to tide all of us over, again and
again until something else truly
exceptional comes along in the
next decade or the 2030's. Farewell,
Ladies and Gentlemen! ;)