During new year's day of 2021, I'm going
to launch a new YouTube channel. For
all of the die-hard termunit800 fans out
there, this latest channel will be full of
unused videos and omitted footage of
my stuff since 2007. Basically they are
unused scenes but unofficial. All my
video-game movies, all the fan-made
music videos and miscellaneous;
these are the test stuff, demonstrations,
experimental footage of these things that
I wanted to keep for myself for indulgence,
to show to my family and friends who have
supported me on YouTube all these years,
or chose to preserve for attaching to new
projects. My computer has all this stuff
since my first YouTube channel's inception.
I thought it was due time; to clean out my
computer for precious free space except
the official unused scenes of 2018 and
2019 video-game films. I will release those
later in the decade; on my first channel
in keeping consistency, of course.
As I steadily launch this new channel,
I'll immediately launch all my
undiscovered stuff simultaneously.
This would take a lot of time, and may
rely on me on multiple days to complete
my unloading. I just want to be done
with it asap' but, it should be quite
the blow-out for u, fans! :] So mark
the partying' open date of the new year,
termunit800 is about to forward a lot
of stuff to your computer screens! ; )